As the first year of FORESi is coming to a close, we reflect in the newsletter bellow on all the successes we have had in our collaboration, as wel…

FOstering a Recycled European
Silicon Supply
Paving the way for European industrial mass production of recycled silicon
What is FORESi?
FORESi is a 3-year project that aims at FOstering a Recycled European Silicon Supply through the world’s first industrial demonstration of a cradle-to-cradle silicon value chain.
In order to contribute to a sustainable energy sovereignty for Europe, FORESi will demonstrate a circular recycling process from end-of-life photovoltaic panels to new photovoltaic and EV batteries applications.
The project will demonstrate the technical, economic and environmental viability of the entire recycling process and deliver the design of an optimised turnkey recycling factory for end-of-life PV panels.
FORESi will also develop an integrated online platform for the collection of PV modules and provide a PV testing methodology for the reuse and repair of EoL PV modules.
Stay informed!

FORESi in a few figures
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