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The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for it.


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This privacy policy explains how the FORESi project, through Hespul (non-profit organisation, 14 place Jules Ferry, F-69006 Lyon), may collect, store and process your personal data, for what purpose, and what your rights are with regard to data protection.


How do FORESi collect your personal data?

FORESi collects your personal data when you register for FORESi events and other activities organised by the consortium.
FORESi may collect your personal data when you collaborate with the consortium.
FORESi may collect your personal data from public online sources in the public domain if your professional activity is directly related to FORESi's activities and work themes.


What kind of personal data are collected, stored and processed

The personal data that may be collected, stored and processed are: your first and last name, your e-mail address, your telephone number, your job title and organisation, and your work address.


What do FORESi use and process your personal data for?

  • When you register online for FORESi events, the information you provide on the registration forms is used to manage your registration and to enable the team to communicate with you for the purpose of the event. Your first and last name, job title, organisation and country will be included in the list of participants distributed at the event. We do not include your telephone number or email address in the list of attendees at our events.
  • FORESi may send you the project's publications using your email address or your organisation's postal address.
  • By registering to receive FORESi updates, you agree to receive the project's e-newsletter by email. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of each email or by sending us a request here.

Under no circumstances will FORESI disclose your personal data to third parties, unless required to do so by a competent authority or with your express consent.


Where and how long will FORESi store your data

Your personal data will be kept until you notify the FORESi team that you would like your information to be erased.
The website is hosted by Hetzner in a data center located in Helsinki (Finland). Your personal information will not be stored outside of the UE, even in a cloud.


What are your data protection rights?

  • You have the right to obtain confirmation from FORESi as to whether or not personal data relating to you are being processed by FORESi, and to access such data.
  • You have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected and incomplete personal data completed.
  • You have the right to have your personal data deleted from FORESi project records.
  • You have the right to object to or restrict the processing.
  • You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transfer the data to another controller.
  • You can exercise your rights by contacting FORESi at info@foresi.eu. We will reply within a maximum of 8 days.


Changes to the FORESi Privacy Policy

We regularly review our privacy policy and will post any updates on this page.



If you consider we have not complied with data protection regulation, please inform us via info@foresi.eu. You also have the right to make a complaint via the French supervisory authority.


How to contact the FORESi team

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the information we hold about you, please contact the FORESi team by emailing info@foresi.eu.


Pictures and copyrights

All pictures on this website with unspecified copyrights are © stock.adobe.com




FOstering a Recycled European Silicon supply (2024 – 2026)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Programme under grant agreement No. 101138503.
Coordinator: SiPow AS (Norway). Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.
Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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